As a manufacturer, we develop, produce and sell innovative medical devices for extracorporeal circulation.
Against the backdrop of demographic aging of entire regions and the global aggravation of chronic obstructive pulmonary dysfunction (COPD) and comparable diseases, the need for efficient medical devices for extracorporeal circulation as lung support is steadily increasing.
Existing extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) methods require intensive personnel training and resources to carry them out.
Through high quality information and an increasing degree of automation of medical devices in ECMO, we intend to simplify the use and dissemination of therapy.
Detailed knowledge of ECMO processes and application enables the portfolio to be tailored precisely to the needs.
Targeted process information provides security and can improve the outcome.
The quick and intuitive use of our products is one of our goals.
The sustainably efficient treatment of critical lung diseases requires ECMO to rethink. The therapy must become less complicated and more widely used.
Our vision of bridging critical conditions in a lung-protective manner requires us to overcome today's problems of process complexity and staff shortages.
The AV-ECMO for lung support is driven by the arterio-venous perfusion pressure gradient without pumps. Here, the flow resistance of the extracorporeal branch plays a decisive role in managing the patient's hemodynamics. At the same time, the gas exchange capacity must match the patient's image. Modern 3D printing processes allow the cost-effective production of adapted oxygenators.
Pulmonary protective therapy requires proper management of the partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide and the pH value in the patient.
Today's pump drives are not optimal with regard to hemolysis, particularly at low volume flows. The combination of artificial ventricle and oxygenator is one of our goals.